Meet The Entrepreneur Who Turned Her Hobby Into A Fashion Business
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Every now and then, we speak to our business customers to understand how their business works, and what we can learn from them on our journey as entrepreneurs.

For this edition, we speak to Elizabeth Adedeji of 21 Wool Street, a crochet brand for fashion-conscious women. Elizabeth won the second place prize at our just concluded Topship Fashion Design and Retail Grant.

You may also remember her from the viral crochet wedding dress that had Nigerian Twitter talking over the last weekend.


Hello, tell me your name and about your business.

My name is Elizabeth Adedeji and I run 21 Wool Street. 21 Wool Street is a crochet fashion brand that creates timeless, accessible functional crochet wear for the fashion-conscious GenZ and millennial woman.

When did you start this business?

The business started in 2017. At that time, I was making tops, trousers and swimwear. By 2020, I had added more products to our line and expanded the business to include making bags, footwear and more.

How did you start?

I started crocheting as a hobby. It was something I enjoyed and I like to start things from scratch. When I was at the University, a friend asked me to help her make crochet swimwear and that was it. Since that time, multiple people have advised me to turn it into a business. However, I didn’t start until 2017 when I noticed people began to have an interest in crocheting.

Who are your business’s primary customers?

We focus on millennials and GenZ. depending on your taste in fashion.

I see why you said “fashion conscious”. LOL. What have been your trusted methods of reaching these people?

We’ve tried a couple of things but some things that have worked for us over time include creating quality work. These make customers keep coming back, and even refer their friends. Also, we’ve been able to make use of good social media content to get in the eyes of our new and potential customers. Last but not least, we’ve worked with Influencer marketing also to reach out to people who resonate with the brand and that has worked.

So, fashion-conscious people?

Aha, yes!

We have seen the bag on Influencers like Cassie Davies, Ifeoma of SIA in style, and Amaka. That’s how I got to know the brand 21 wool street. Your influencer marketing is doing really great!

Glad you have! Also, we work with referrals a lot. People see the bag on other people either online or physically and they want it. This is why you must create beautiful and quality products.

I agree, you are doing an absolutely beautiful job. What was that aha moment that made you realize that the business had grown and your hard work was paying off? 

Last year, someone ordered 10 bags at a time, shocking me. Personally, it was proof that I was creating a great product that people wanted. Also, it blows my mind when people identify a 21 Wool Street bag every now and then. And this is coming from me thinking that nobody was even paying attention.

Another thing that made me realize we had grown was our feature on Okay Africa which was just proof that people were paying attention to us.

What has been your most effective strategy to drive sales?

I would say content marketing! People engage more when they see the content we put out. We typically create our own content and also repurpose content from our customers (user-generated content). I have knowledge in marketing from working a 9-5 and I have been able to apply that to my business.

What issues what you face as a business owner?

Resources to buy more raw materials. There are times when we will have orders on a particular colour, the supplier of these raw materials doesn’t have them in stock and we would lose the customers. If I have more capital, I will buy more materials, plan ahead, and won’t have to run out of them before restocking them.

What inspired the name 21 Wool street?

I was looking for a name and got inspiration from Forever 21.

And the popular Jadesola bag? 

My niece was born in 2020, and her name is Jadesola. So, I named the bag after her.

Awww. That’s really sweet.  What’s the difference between the Jadesola and Labalaba bag?

The labalaba bag is made out of a yarn called chenile, it’s a french word for caterpillar. It’s really soft. The Jadesola bag, on the other hand, is made out of cotton. It is a drawstring bag. I have to let you know that seeing the products in pictures is great, but being able to experience them is what makes it better.

If you had to start this business again, what will you change?

I don’t think I will change anything. I love the process, the lessons learnt, where we are now, and the future of 21 Wool Street. I wouldn’t change anything.

What is your number one advice for new entrepreneurs?

Be consistent, don’t give up, and don’t stop creating. Keep pushing even if you think you are not good enough.  Secondly, have a strategy, have a plan. Know how you want your brand to grow or be in the next 5 years. Vision matters!

When you are not doing this, what do you do?

Watch classic movies, spend time with friends, and sleep.

Thank you very much for talking to us, Elizabeth.



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