Add Insurance To Your Topship Deliveries With Curacel
Reading Time: 2 minutes

When it comes to transportation, unpleasant things can happen – delays, accidents or even natural disasters.

Having to deliver or accept damaged goods due to unforeseen risks can hurt, but what hurts even more, is knowing that you could have done something to prevent it. This is why getting insurance is the safest thing to do.

Topship knows this so we’ve partnered with Curacel to provide Marine and Goods in Transit (GIT) insurance to you.

This means you now have the option to add an extra layer of protection to all your deliveries – at a tiny fraction of the cost. All you have to do is select the Insurance option at checkout.

What kind of insurance do we provide?

We provide Basic and Premium insurance options that cover both Goods in Transit and Marine insurance.

Our Basic insurance option is free and covers up to N10,000 of your declared item value. Premium insurance (in partnership with Curacel) costs N12,000 and covers up to N300,000 of your declared item value.

Topship Insurance

GIT stands for Goods-in-Transit and is a type of insurance that covers your goods against loss or damage by fire, theft or accidental means. This means your goods are insured while in transit or while housed in the ordinary course of transit.

Marine Insurance covers loss by damage to or destruction of cargo or the means of its transportation whether on land, sea, or air.

At Topship, we know how important it is for you to feel safe and secure while we move your goods. This is just one way of showing our commitment to the safety of your property and showing you that you can trust us.

Do I qualify for this coverage?

Yes, you simply have to add your preferred insurance purchase at Checkout


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