5 FAQs About The Topship Fashion Design and Retail Grant
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Since the launch of the Topship Fashion Design and Retail Grant, we’ve received a lot of questions from interested applicants to clarify if they are eligible to apply for the grant. Keep reading to get answers to your questions.

I have never used Topship, can I still apply?

YES! Go ahead and apply, but we recommend that you book at least 5 shipments via Topship before June 16, 2022. To find the total number of monthly shipments, all you have to do is log in to your account. Once you do so, you’ll see a tracker that tells you how many shipments you’ve made in the month.

I have used Topship before but I don’t have up to 5 shipments, can I apply?

You can still apply for the grant, but you have to book a minimum of 5 shipments before June 16, 2022. To find the total number of monthly shipments, all you have to do is log in to your account. Once you do so, you’ll see a tracker that tells you how many shipments you’ve made in the month.

Who is eligible to apply for the Topship fashion grant?

The following people are encouraged to apply for the grant

  • Textile and Apparel brands: This applies to you if you are a tailor, fashion designer, or own a ready-to-wear or bespoke clothing brand that caters to both men and women customers. 
  • Jewellery: If you sell accessories and jewellery of any kind: antiques, beads, precious stones e.t.c. You are a fashion business that should apply for this grant.
  • Footwear: If you sell any kind of footwear, you should apply too!
  • Outerwear: We think a lot of Nigerian streetwear brands might fall into this category. If you make jackets with any kind of fabric, you are eligible to apply too.
  • Loungewear: The grant is not only for fashion entrepreneurs that make clothes that can be worn to parties. If you make casual clothes that people find comfortable, this grant is also for you.
  • Lingerie: If you sell women’s underwear and night garments, you are not left out.
  • Sportswear brands: This applies if you sell gym clothes or any clothes that can be used for athletics.
  • Fashion-focused e-commerce brands: If you are an online retailer who sells items in any of the categories listed above, you also stand the chance to apply and win $3,500. 

How do I apply for the Topship Fashion grant?

Apply here. Ensure to fill all the requirements correctly and put your best foot forward. 

When is the application deadline?

All applications for the Topship Grant are to be sent in before 11:59 p.m. WAT on Friday, June 17, 2022, and the top 10 applicants will be contacted between June 27 – July 1, 2022. 

Remember that we are looking for fashion entrepreneurs that have a bias toward creativity and business thinking.



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